STUNNING NEW Inventory Update is LIVE Saturday Mar 12!

It’s a fact that Reef Beauties has some of the LOWEST prices of any saltwater fish store, online or retail. Compared to some of the prices you will see at or (which in some cases, can be 2-300% higher), we totally understand that you may be skeptical of us. 

“They must have terrible quality,” or “This is too good to be true, is a completely understandable assumption that reefers who come across our website might make. 

Whether it may be a restaurant, airline, hotel, or retail store, this may be true in many instances when shopping. You often have to give something up when going with the “budget” option. In exchange for low pricing, you may have to sacrifice quality, service, shopping experience, or all of the above. 

That is FAR from the case here at Reef Beauties. And without even having to order from us, we have proof that you can have faith in our quality DESPITE our low prices, because we have an industry-leading, 15-day Guarantee on almost all of the livestock that we ship. 

Note that LiveAquaria and DO NOT advertise their guarantee policy. They hope that a percentage of you don’t even know one exists. And note that LiveAquaria’s guarantee policy is only 7 days, while beats them with 8 days. And if you’ve ever tried filing a guarantee claim with them, you already know how difficult and frustrating it can be.

Guarantee policies exist to give you confidence in ordering livestock, sight-unseen from an online store. If your tank is well cared-for, and we ship you an unhealthy fish or something happens during shipping, it’s on us. With our significantly lower pricing, and the longest guarantee policy online, our margin for error is WAY lower than the competition.

In other words, EXPECT higher quality from us, because of our low pricing and generous guarantee policy. Think about it this way—we pay the same prices to obtain and ship livestock as our competition, yet they may sell the same livestock for double the price that we do. If an item dies within their short guarantee period, they made enough profit on it because of their high selling price, to completely cover the credit they issue you.

We are extremely careful with what we send, because in our case, if a fish we ship to you dies in your well cared-for aquarium, we may be losing money on your account. This is why the vast majority of the orders we ship are a 100% success rate!

Expect the highest quality, the lowest prices, the fastest shipping, and the absolute best service you will find online when ordering from Reef Beauties.

We aren’t too good to be true, we are just offering a better product on EVERY. SINGLE. LEVEL.

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